During the October 2024 half-term, CMF colleagues, alongside the art department at Haberdashers’ Borough…
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I was diagnosed with dyspraxia at fourteen, and with ADHD much later in life in my late twenties. During school while I received help, this was only with focus on my academic subjects; creativity and art was never given attention, and I was not given the opportunity to explore how my dyspraxia might affect the way I saw the world around me. It was only during my master’s at the RCA that I learned how my neurodiversity could be more than a hindrance, and instead a valued and different way of thinking and processing the world.
I think having a mentor who understands the struggles and pressures of adapting to a neurotypical world is invaluable and is something I wish I had had when I was at school. I hope that my love for art and design can help kindle a similar passion in the children I work with, and that it gives them an opportunity to embrace and value the way they view the world from an early age.
JP Guerrier
Royal College of Art, MA Sound Design (2022)
Website: jpguerrier.com
Written in January, 2024.
During the October 2024 half-term, CMF colleagues, alongside the art department at Haberdashers’ Borough…
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